sábado, 25 de abril de 2015


Rebuild with the leftovers of the battles won or lost. 
Desiring some tenderness, some care. 
He kneels in front of her,
Begging for forgiveness ..."


segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014


"Um chalé no meio da montanha. A neve cobre tudo com um manto branco. No interior, o calor de uma lareira aquece o ambiente. A sua luz adorna o espaço com tons dourados. No meio do salão um tapete felpudo convida ao aconchego. Com a lareira como pano de fundo um anjo procura uma manta. Enrola-se nela e no companheiro que partilha com ela o calor do fogo. Fixando os olhos do seu companheiro, o anjo encontra ternura. Trocam caricias, carinhos. Aconchegam-se um ao outro. Enquanto a noite cai, os dois partilham delicias. Perdem-se nos braços um do outro. Libertam-se nos braços um do outro. A unica certeza que têm é que os seus corpos são o templo onde o prazer é reverenciado. (...) Os seus corpos são jardins e a vontade deles o jardineiro." LTF

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014


"Desire... when my body takes control of my head, and say... "I just want to lose myself with her. I want to make her laugh, smile, moan, scream. I want to tickle her. Make her shy. Make her lose herself. Awake in her the wild spirit of lust. Put some fire that burns more than the sun. (...) I know that I don't need to awake in her the lust, the wilderness, but there's nothing more sensual, more exciting, than make a woman vibrate while she's in the arms of her lover. (...) Do you really know how you make me feel? Like I've been warmed by the sun. Like i'm flying. You put me on fire. Each time that you show me more of you, it's like a sparkle that ignites my desire. My desire to know more and more of you. To discover your magic. You know... the magic that you provoque in me, every time that I imagine your mouth, your hands, your eyes, your body. Every time that you say "imagine...", I do, and my mind and body cast away to various stages. I feel cold, feel hot, I tremble, I dream, I overcame the bounds of my imagination and wonder of a battle of my body against your body, where anything, everything is allowed. No bounds, no limits. That's how you make me feel" LTF

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Bons Sonhos

"Quero-te beijar.
Quero mas com um beijo diferente.
É um beijo sussurrado.
É um beijo que te murmura "boa noite".
É um beijo que te acaricia a fronte.
É um beijo de ternura e carinho.
É um toque doce na tua face.
É um deleite nos teus lábios.
Bons sonhos meu amor.
Sonhos lindos.
Beijo grande."

quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012


"O fogo consome-me.Por dentro.Por fora.Como numa enorme pira o meu corpo contorce-se.Quero gritar.Quero chorar.Sinto-me enjaulado.Prisioneiro de mim mesmo.Preciso de ar.Preciso de respirar.De repente uma leve brisa me envolve.Uma brisa refrescante e quente ao mesmo tempo.Sinto-me embalado.Aos poucos a dor abandona-me.Aos poucos já não sinto o fogo que me destroi.Essa brisa acalma-me.Essa brisa apazigua o meu coração.Essa brisa és tu.Tu que invadiste a minha vida devagarinho.Que me deste vontade de me mostrar.Que tiveste vontade de me conhecer.Tu que aqueces sem me queimar.Tu que refrescas sem me gelar.Tu que me das alegria.És a brisa do meu sopro.O sopro do meu coração.Obrigado por apagares o fogo que me consome."


terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012


"My love, what I feel for you is sincere and true.I have you in me, with me, always.I told you and I will restate.You're who I want by my side.You're who I want to complete me.You're who I want to fill me up.Want to grow with you.Grow to complete you.To help you fly.So you can achieve all your goals.Realize your dreams.I do not use words lightly.I never did and that I won't do now.When I say that I have love for you, I really do .When I say I miss you, I really miss you .When I kiss you, I really kiss you.When I touch you I really touch you.When I care, I really care.When I want to be with you, I really want.And in the middle of all this, all this wanting, which becomes more complicated is to manage this without sounding like I want to much.Without seeming to want to choke you.I do not.I want to be by your side.I want to be your safe haven.The pillow where you rest.The sea where you flare.I want to be the engine of your desire, your yearning.I want to be the cause of your smile.I want to be guilty of the brightness of your eyes.Be responsible for your happiness.I want to be the solution of the problems that life reserve tou you.I want all this and more.Just don't wanna be the one to disappoint you.The one who wasn't honest with you.The one who hurts you.The one who made you suffer.Therefore I say my love, lead me away from whatever makes you worry and distress.Far from me not being focused on you, in us.Far from me not being what you want and wish for you. Kiss" LTF

domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012


"De que serve ter as vistas tão curtas quando o horizonte é imenso?"


segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011


"Strange, this path of mine.
I'm twisting and turning, dancing with the flames.
I started to scream, when I walk through the fire, seeing my time expire, when the flames get higher.
The nightmare begins.
Something's haunting me, imprisoning my soul.
Skies are dark.
I’m getting closer to my maker.
I start praying, looking for redemption.
Don't let this be my time.
In this hour of need, don’t let this be the last breath of my life.
This fire that consumes me has a brutal hunger, taking what I love, leaving me empty, and seeking my defeat.
Nothing can rescue me.
Trapped in deceit, I see my time expire."


quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011


"Sinto-me mal, enfermo, bloqueado entre muros.
Muros que me impedem de ser banhado pela luz do sol.
Desgostoso por não poder usufruir dos jardins que me rodeiam.
O meu mundo fecha-se sobre si mesmo.
A minha vida torna-se cinzenta.
Preciso de côr, de luz, de calor.
Desgastado, não encontro uma saída.
Faltam-me forças."


quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011


"The mist invades me.
I feel trapped.
My mind is stoned with memories.
Old ghosts start haunting my thoughts.
I need to run, escape from this nightmare.
Is it? Is it a nightmare?
I’m doomed.
I can’t find the exit from this maze.
I can’t find the peace I need.
I’m tired of fighting, of suffering.
Trying to hold my breath.
Hopeless and without strength I need a sign.
I’m lost."