terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2008


“I am the dragon that spits the flames of hell.
I live in the ashes of your guilt.
As the night crawls in, I leave to start the hunt.
To chase the souls of the unworthy.
I am the dragon that spits the flames of hell.
I will punish you.
Because you deserve it.
Because I enjoy it.
I am the dragon that spits the flames of hell.
You will suffer.
You will pay for your sins.
And I will be your executioner.
I am the dragon that spits the flames of hell.
I will haunt your sleep.
I will transform your dreams in nightmares.
You won’t escape.
I am the dragon that spits the flames of hell.”



An Angel whispered at my ear.

"Don't be afraid to show her what you feel."

Should I?
Should I take the risk?
Ancient ghosts began to invade my mind.

The Angel whispers again.

"Don't be afraid to show her what you feel."
"You could be surprised"
"Thrust in yourself."
"But more important, thrust in her heart."
"Let her show what she feels"
"She could surprise you"



"In the mist I see dark figures that dance under the moonlight.
They feast with the blood of innocents.
They sing to the gods.
Those poor souls have no chance.
They're doomed to all eternity.

I'm next.
The sacrifice will begin.
I have no fear.
My soul will serve a purpose.
My blood will feed the gods,
It will calm their needs,
Their desires.

I look above.
I'm in peace with myself.
I close my eyes,
And I wait for the sound of the blade cutting the air.
For a moment I feel the cold of the blade entering in my chest.
In a second my body trembles.

The blood starts to flow.
A bitter taste invades my mouth.
I have no pain.
In front of me an Old Man stands.
He has in his hands my heart.
He has in his hands my life.

I'm relieved.
My soul is saved.
I'm purified
The gods are pleased.
I close my eyes.
I fall in a deep sleep.

Next time I'll wake up, I'll be in Hell,
With a smile in my face.
Serving my purpose.
Serving my masters."



I want to say how much I care about you.
Let me show you how much
Let me sparkle your dreams with the dust of the stars,
And show you that everything is possible,
That anything you want you can achieve.

I'll chase the sun for you.
I'll offer you the moon.
I'll present you with a rainbow everyday.
I'll colour your mornings with the blossom of a flower.

Just give me a chance.
Give me the opportunity to show you.
Allow yourself to be happy.

Let me be the reason of your happiness.
Let me put a smile in your face.
Let me put a shine in your eyes.

Just let me........."


I'm a prey

“My sleep was agitated.
I open my eyes.
I’m not alone in the bedroom.
Dark figures twist around my bed.
I’ll try to face them.
I don’t understand what they want.
They attack me.
With fear I stand at their feet.
One of them speaks:

“The time of your penitence has arrived.
So run,
Run or I'll get you
And if I'll get you, you'll suffer,
If you suffer, you'll like it,
If you'll like it, you'll beg for more.”

So I run.
I run madly through the dark.
What I’ve done to pay like this?
The hunt as began.
The hounds are unleashed,
And I became a prey.”



"Adoro como sorris
Adoro os teus olhos cor de mar
Adoro cada vez que me empinas o teu nariz em tom provocatório
Adoro cada vez que te empolgas a falar daqueles que amas
Adoro a maneira como mordiscas as colheres
Adoro cada vez que dizes o meu nome
Adoro a tua simplicidade
Adoro a tua personalidade
Adoro o teu cheiro
Adoro-te simplesmente"



“It snows. My feet are frozen inside my boots. I keep running to escape. With the wind and the snow I can’t see more than 10 meters in front of my nose. The fatigue and the weather conditions began to play me tricks. I can’t identify if the shadows I see are real, if they are the enemy trying to trap me. Even with this run I can’t warm my body.
Exhausted, I need to stop. I ear screaming far away. A few minutes ago I had to choose. To be a coward or to be a hero. I’ve decided for the hard one. Every day I’ll face myself on the mirror. Facing the ghosts of those who have died for nothing.”


Secret Flower

"Hi little flower
Let me cherish you
Arouse you
Spoil you
Take care of you
Come and share a secret garden with me"



"Whispers in the dark awake me from my sleep.
A frozen wind caresses my face.
All my senses are stoned.
Far, the echoes of the flack invade the sky.
I ear the sirens blasting the night.
The pilots need to scramble.
As the bombs start exploding around me I get paralyzed.
Each blast froze my mind, my body.
My past invades my head.
Old demons remind me other days.
As I look around I see burned people spread along the airfield.
I don’t remember the duration of the bombings.
After a week being attacked day and night we can’t see things like before.
A second can last an eternity.
In the middle of the fight, the first shot is a reflex. The time between the first and the second can decide if we are dead or alive. If we think too much we’ll be probably dead by the end of the day.
In a battle a boy becomes a man and a man becomes a killer.
There aren’t innocent armies. There aren’t good wars.
To take a life we need a second, to deal with it we need a lifetime.
Tonight, before I sleep, I’ll chase my demons, I’ll try to leave in the battlefield what haunts me, hopping that one day, when this war is over, I won’t need to fight anymore.
That, one day I’ll find peace."


Question Yourself

"Question yourself,
If you don't do it, you'll not be able to remarque the world you live.
Question yourself,
You'll be more humble.
Question yourself,
And you'll know you better.
Question yourself,
And be real to others,
Question yourself,
Because you're not alone.
Question yourself,
And you'll be a better person.
Why don't you question yourself?"


Only Sin

"You don't know what I would give to kiss your lips, feel your touch, or just see you.
It's amazing how you got my heart and trapped it.
Every time I look at you my heart misses a beat.
I know that I love you in a way I can't show and can't explain to you.
My heart is hungry for your love, but my mind is aware of what can't have.
I've imagined the day when your touch would forever caress me with tenderness, and your kisses would kept the flame in my heart alive for all the eternity.
I love you my only sin."


Silent Feel

"Eu sento-me e vejo-te, ouço-te, admiro-te e apaixono-me tantas vezes quantas olho para ti.
Um olhar teu faz-me sonhar.
Vou continuar sentado, a ver-te, a ouvir-te, a admirar-te e a apaixonar-me em silencio."


I dream about an AngeHELL

"As I walk thru the valley of darkness, I see the angel of death, who tells me: "Come my son, enjoy the feast"
I look around.
A little boy stands at my feet.
As I ripped his heart out, I look above and see the angel of death staring at me.
He says: "Good work my son."
With hell in my eyes and with death in my veins, the end is closing in.
I look above and see the angel of dead staring at me.
He smiles.
He says:"Take a look to the sky just before you die, it is the last time you will."
I kneel.
I smile.
I can rest now.
At least until the next time."


Quero te contar um segredo

"Tenho um segredo para te contar.
Mas é um segredo especial.
Não como os outros que se diz ao ouvido.
Este é em forma de beijo.
E um segredo destes diz-se na boca e não no ouvido.
O amor não se pode definir, tem de se sentir."



"The dusk is ending
Run run
As the night crawls in
Run run
The beast is about to be unleashed
Run run
It will hunt you
Run run
It will seek you
Run run
It won't give you rest
Run run
It won't give you remorse
Run run
It will burn you, and you will like it
Enjoy the fire that burns your heart
Feed your soul with the ashes of hell
Don't resist to the demons inside you
Liberate them
Let them show you the path
The path to a new world
A world where you can be free
Where there is no pain
Where you can be yourself
Use the fire that consumes you to reborn
Stop being ordinary
Rise as the CHOSEN ONE"



“In the mist, the smell of powder invades my lungs.
The sound of shells blasting invades the valley.
The ground trembles with the passage of chars.
I take cover as the bullets whistle around my head.
Stuck in the mud I see dark figures that sneak into the battle field.
The men are frightened.
They fear what they don't know.
They cry, they are lost.
The doom is expected for the weak.
Those who dare to face their fears are saved. yourself.”


Eu queria................

“Eu queria…
Aliás eu quero, ser fogo para te aquecer a alma, água para te lavar as mágoas, ar para te purificar o espírito, ser o teu porto de abrigo, onde te refugias, onde encontras apoio, onde recarregas baterias. Ser a tua razão de acordar, ser a tua razão de rir, de chorar, ser a tua razão de viver. Vem descobrir os meus medos, as minhas ansias, os meus desejos. Vem comigo dar nome às estrelas, vem partilhar um por do Sol em qualquer parte do mundo. Ele seria belo desde que estivesses a meu lado. Gostava de te mostrar o que descobri ao longo destes anos. Partilhar contigo tudo o que aprendi, tudo o que sei. Descobrir contigo coisas novas, criar novas recordações.
Como seria bom poder me afogar no oceano de prazer que é o teu corpo. Entregar-me incondicionalmente nas tuas mãos, perder-me no calor do teu peito. Adormecer de exaustão e acordar nos teus braços, pronto para mais uma vez encher o teu coração de desejo, prazer e alegria.
Quero te escrever um poema, te compor uma canção, te pintar um quadro, fazer de ti a minha musa. Quero contigo revolucionar todas as formas de arte, para que o mundo te possa ver tal como és: ÚNICA"



Essas palavras soaram como um silvar tenebroso dentro de mim. Que fizera eu para merecer tamanha brusquidão. Porquê a razão dos meus desejos, anseios, mágoas e desesperos, me respondera de forma tão vil. Aquele "NÃO" fora pior que um estalo. Preferia ser acorrentado ao remo de uma galé até ao fim dos meus dias, a tornar a ouvir tal resposta com o ênfase que lhe fora dado.
Senti-me despojado de tudo o que fizera para chamar a sua atenção.
Aquele "NÃO" mostrava-me que se calhar eu teria ido longe de mais nas minhas expectativas. Que teria sido menosprezado por quem eu tinha posto acima de todas as outras coisas.
Quando me olho ao espelho vejo um velho cansado. Cansado de remar sem encontrar um porto, pois aquilo que busco não passa de uma miragem. Será que acreditei no canto de uma sereia? Acredito que não. Um Homem deve se manter fiel às suas convicções. Convicto, eu estou. Apesar do espírito ferido, continuo a acreditar. Não serão estes revezes que farão abalar as minhas crenças, os meus desejos. Se às vezes pareço distante, é só por necessidade de reagrupar as ideias, de não me expor demasiado.
O meu sentimento não desapareceu, ele só mudou devido ao retorno que teve. Uns dias alegre, outros triste, mas ele está sempre lá.
Se amar incondicionalmente de forma altruísta desse a redenção ao coração de um Homem, acredito que já a teria alcançado.
Quantas horas de sono perdi por ela? Quantos km fiz por ela? Quantas vezes a surpreendi?
Quantos "miminhos" lhe dei ou fiz? Quantas vezes a fiz rir? Quantas não sei, mas quase todos os dias que estava com ela. Quantas vezes a fiz chorar? Duas (Mea culpa).
Por tudo isto e muito mais acredito que merecia um pouco mas de atenção, pois por vezes sinto-me qual D. Quixote a combater contra moinhos de vento.
Aquele que dá também tem de receber por vezes. A balança não pode ter um dos pratos completamente vazio.
Ela sabe mais sobre mim que todas as outras pessoas que me conhecem. Só queria que ela soubesse que sempre fui sincero e honesto com ela. Que nunca lhe escondi nada. Aliás expus-me como nunca tinha feito.
Dei-lhe tanto de mim, como eu quis poder dar ainda mais, mas ela não deixou. Como eu queria partilhar ainda mais, mas ela não deixou."


Boas Vindas

Sejam bem vindos.
Este blog será a montra do que me vai na alma, do que tenho cá dentro.
Estejam à vontade para opinar sempre que quiserem.
Beijos e abraços a todos.